Wednesday, August 16, 2017


The male species of the common genus Homo Sapiens can be found everywhere in its Earth habitat.  Most of them are still considered wild and quite untameable to the rigours of house work.  Many will never become house trained.

The process of simply keeping wild animals in captivity does not mean the species as a whole has been domesticated, nor does it mean that a specific individual is domesticated. They're merely “tamed” and this is usually done by way of bribery with appealing food that brings on a Pavlovian salivary response.  Heineken beer has been found to be particularly enticing.

It's crucial to distinguish between domestication and taming. A single wild animal can be tamed if it is captured at a young age, as in its early twenties, and raised with a lot of careful human nurturing. But this is strictly an acquired trait, and a single taming does not suddenly make the entire species domesticated.  Too often, when household tasks are to be undertaken, the male species can be found camouflaged on the living room couch in a comatose state, or wielding a menacing remote control weapon.  Some research indicates they can sometimes be found in packs, hiding in the garage huddled around rusty cars.  Still others are found tethered to their computers with glazed eyes playing loud and annoying games of Tanks and Warships.

This particular specimen, currently found in the western territory of France but of Germanic origin and now making its home in the wild Canadian habitat, seems to have mastered several house duties such as vacuuming, drying dishes, ironing, hanging out the laundry and even folding said laundry with military precision.  More study will be required to see if these traits continue into later life or are just a passing phase.

Domesticated traits are acquired and difficult to master and maintain.  For the time being, this particular member of the human species is a rare and much sought-after example that is not available for purchase or exchange. 


"It was my life - like all lives, mysterious and irrevocable and sacred. 
So very close, so very present, so very belonging to me. 
How wild it was, to let it be."

~ Cheryl Strayed


  1. LOL, you guys are so cute, and yes your adorable male species of Homo Sapiens is one of a kind and a treasure to be sure :)!
