Thursday, September 21, 2017

Les 4 Saisons


It's the start of Autumn today, so we decided to have our déjeuner at "Les 4 Saisons", (The Four Seasons).  Believe it or not, this restaurant is just a few minutes away and we have yet to try it out.

You come in to a bar and then are invited to the dining room in the back.  Very lovely with a huge stone fireplace and old medieval walls. 

I started with an amazing salad: garden lettuce, quinoa, corn, tomatoes, shredded carrots, tiny red peppers, pork tenderloin pieces and shredded cheese.  The vinaigrette was so fresh tasting!  When I enquired about the recipe for this vinaigrette, the chef replied through the server that it was apparently just a mayonnaise base "rallongé" with oil, salt, pepper.  How can anything so simple taste so good!

Karl had the charcuterie plate, so a mix of pâté, ham and salamis.  And a few pickles.

You sometimes wonder how a restaurant in the middle of nowhere can do such a thriving business, but all the workers in the area show up at the local restaurants for their lunch.  They may be working on the roads or driving trucks or making farm deliveries.  Once a restaurant establishes its reputation for good food at a reasonable price, the workers pour in.

Karl and I both had the duck with French fries.  The rosé wine was included in the "Menu du Jour".

The dessert was a pineapple tart that tasted really sunny, like Hawaii.

It's usually Karl's café crème that finishes up the meal, but I had to add this little teapot with my Earl Grey.  Not all restaurants carry my favourite tea, so it's a treat when I find it, and especially in such a cute little pot.

We will try to come back, although the countdown to our departure has begun...


"Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in,
where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike."

~  John Muir


  1. This looks very cozy, wish I was there with you. How sad for you that the countdown has begun, but looking forward to you being back on home turf :)

    1. Wish we had started going to this place earlier... It's so close and so good!
